YYH- A gag story in which "Yu Yu Hakusho" characters Hiei and youko-Kurama
bounce off of each other, in a manner of speaking.Hiei's favorite
delicacy are fireflowers, which happen to grow in a certain lustful
youko's garden. What is a standoffish, hungry little demon to do?
This is an enjoyable little book. Tammy's art is nice, she mixes a pretty
shoujo style and charming SD to good effect. And who can watch Kurama
brazenly court our adorable little crabass without smiling? But, a
prettier cover that was less text heavy might hve been nice. My
preference is usually for something a lot spicier, or with more emotional
weight. I didn't think too much of this doujinshi at first, but it really
grew on me after a couple more reads. Hiei might not have been charmed,
but I was.
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