White Gravitation is a Weiss Kreuz crossover with the yaoi manga
In the White Gravitation story, an unknown musician is
all of his competition in the music world. In order to put a stop to
this, K
(from Gravitation), the gun-toting manager of Bad Luck, recruits Weiss to
a stop to the murders. But in order to do so, Weiss must go undercover as
gay band!
I really got a kick out of this doujinshi. The story was fast paced
very well written. Two scenes from this book really stand out in my mind.
one, K mistakes Omi for Bad Luck vocalist Shuichi! Apparently the two
very much alike except for a difference in hair color. Soon after this,
Ken and Yohji meet K for the first time. K comes from behind the 3 and
how they're doing. All 3 immediately freeze and say "Crawford???". On the
page there is a little side note saying that K and Schwarz member
both have the same voice actor. Very clever writing on Omitchi's part!
White Gravitation's strengths are in the writing and pacing of the
story. I also loved how the writer gave a brief summary of both Weiss
and Gravitation. For someone such as myself who has yet to read
this was very helpful. All throughout the doujinshi there are also little
side notes explaining various manga sound effects, expressions, and
characters. This was also very helpful when it came to enjoying the
My only problem with White Gravitation was in the layout itself. In
panels the art looked like it was shrunken. This made it look like it may
have originally been printed in a larger format. There were also several
scenes where the inks could have been bolder which would have resulted in
clear, crisp picture.
All in all, I really enjoyed the story. The artwork was OK, but the
story was wonderful! Quality stories are one of the main things I look
for in
a comic and White Gravitation definitely delivered.
While this doujinshi does have some shounen ai, there is nothing
explicit. There are a lot of shounen ai jokes that really contribute to
story. I can't wait to see volume 2!
--reviewed by
I've never read Gravitation, and but heard a lot about it so I read White
Gravitation first. It's a crossover between Weiss Kreuz and Gravitation,
a manga about the rock band Bad Luck, and two of their members, Eiri
Yuuki, and Shuichi Shindo.
For this mission, Weiss is part of this band
and the jokes fly around (usually about homosexuality, since that is a
big part of White Gravitation: Shuichi Shindo's love for Eiri Yuuki and
Eiri Yukki's denial of his feelings.
One thing that was helpful in this pocket manga was an Iconography which
was a kind of glossary of what certain symbols and Japanese lettering
meant. The Iconography was at the back of the book and there are a lot of
the symbols and lettering throughout the doujinshi itself. The only
problem I had with that was while it was great to be able to understand
things for a change, the book was a little small, so things looked a
little smooshed together. However I liked the art, (her Omi was soooo
cute) and I enjoyed reading this enough that I want to read the second
--reviewed by