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This is the first doujinshi anthology where I can honestly say I loved everything.I got the feeling that the artists were having fun and that feeling was very contagious. To be honest, when I've seen other fan doujinshi I wasn't always impressed, and I didn't know what to expect with this one, artwise or plotwise. When I saw the cover to this one, I was quickly reassured.

Of course I love Schu-Schu so when I saw Nekom's front cover I was very excited. Schuldich looks mischevious and the snarling Brad can't be bothered. The alternate cover by Sonya St. Germain provided a great metaphor of white angel and dark angel. Also, you gotta love those muscles!

Now, on with the doujinshi stories!

"Dust in the Wind," also by Sonya St. Germain, had great art and captured the wickedness of Schuldich to the last detail. And the scene with Schuldich using his tongue was HOT. So hot, Janette hyperventilated and lost her breath for a moment. I will admit I have a bias and don't always like the sweeter, romantic Schu but Sonya St. Germain was able to carry it off. And the ending explained the conflict involved. It was also deliciously twisted.

Now, I'm not a big Farfarello fan but I enjoyed "Bouquet" by Tammy Lee. Making love to a rose with thorns definitely fits and the end was so funny. My favorite part was the little chibi Brad and Farfy.

"Sin," by Pluto is drama at its best. I loved the whole story, from Schu and his telepathic head games, to the guilt Youji felt about Asuka. I've not seen all of Pluto's work but from the little I have seen, I've noticed she uses imagery and that is definitely the case in "Sin." Schuldich's claws digging into Youji, with Youji's jeans undone was symbolic and the crucifixion with Schuldich kissing Youji hit on so many themes. A big thing for me is that the characters stay in character and Pluto certainly accomplishes this.

"Weiss Spinnst," by Tarot was funny. The only thing I didn't like were the dots. I did like the group pic on the first page of the story.

I didn't know what a bugnuk was until Pluto told me, but that didn't prevent me from enjoying Pluto and Jo's "A Tangled Affair." It was hilarious and I will never look at pudding the same way again!

I have a soft spot for What's Michael? so I really enjoyed "I Am A Cat," by Sonya St. Germain. I thought Omi (I hope I'm right about who it is) made such a cute cat. And the part at the end when we find out it's just his thoughts provided a nice twist. It was too funny.

"Chibi Weiss ," by Sonya St. Germain, was so cute. So was "Omi and Nagi" by Jean Robertson. The shorts by Sonya St. Germain were very amusing and I liked the Aya/Kenshin contrast.

"Weise Engel," by Jo was sweet and sexy at the same time and December M's back cover was the perfect end to a great doujinshi anthology.

In closing, what I liked the most about White Chocolate was that it wasn't like a lot of doujinshi with sex for sex's sake. It had humor and drama. What more could I ask for? Except the next issue.

--reviewed by Janette


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