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Janette: Zetsai Ai has a special place in my heart. Like a lot of people it was my first exposure to yaoi and I was so excited that I didn't mind the 9900 yen I shelled out for something that was in raw Japanese and only thirty minutes long. I thought Minami Ozaki's art was gorgeous and I was curious about how a fan book would be. I can honestly say that Ashura and Kyoko capture the flavor perfectly. [read the full review]

Awaresa: When I first received the Retsujou doujin, my first thoughts were "Wow! This is a gorgeous cover!" And it's fairly consistent with the inside artwork. A very well-made doujin; clear pictures, professional shading, professionally inserted text. It all made for a very appealling package for my first American Comiket doujin. However, impressed as I was with the artwork, the stories were very lacking. [read the full review]

Rae: "Retsujou" the Zetsuai/Bronze fan book by Ashura (Grace Ho) and Kyoko, is both lovely to look at and well organized.Included in the fan book is a short where Hirose reflects on why he torments Koji by Ashura, a short about the rocky relationship between Koji and Izumi by Kyoko and also three pictures by Kyoko. It also comes with an introduction that explains the purpose of the fan book and gives a brief summary of the shorts. This is incredibly helpful for people who are not familiar with the Zetsuai/Bronze story. [read the full review]

Miyu: "Retsujou", based on Minami Ozaki's work Zetsuai 1989/BRONZE, is a stunningly beautiful collaberation between two members of Umbrella Studios, Ashura and Kyoko.This book immediately captures your eye with its vibrant, two-piece cover. Honestly, the cover itself is my personal favorite part of this doujinshi. I'm actually having trouble looking away from it while writing this review. [read the full review]


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