Since I already have seen another of her doujinshi (Violation - which I
reviewed) I had expectations for this one.
I was not disappointed.
The cover gives a hint of what to expect. It's divided into three rows of
couples, and the second row is with Yohji and Aya, with Yohji really acting
the seme with his kissing. It looks like he's swallowing Aya's mouth!
P. L. Nunn is one of my favorite artists and in this doujinshi her art was
consistant: sexy and pretty.
Even the Table of Contents, with its picture of two naked boys (couldn't
tell which ones) with the nipples showing made me very happy. I like
nipples. ^_^
The stories here aren't titled but since there is one Weiş Kreuz story, one
Gundam Wing story, and her original story, Dynasty of Ghosts.
Since I already like Weiş Kreuz, I have very high standards for my fan
doujinshi and stories. This wasn't as dramatic as Violation was, though I
got the feeling that this was a little after that time frame, since there
is a definite reference to earlier abuse from Schuldich. However, Violation
was an entire story arch, and this is one story so there isn't going to be
as much drama.
However, that doesn't mean that there wasn't any angst, there was plenty.
What's a WK story without angst?
This WK story was SEXY!!! One thing I like about Nunn's style is that it's
lemony, and you see the naked body, but she recognizes that tongues licking
can be just as erotic as seeing gentalia.
Nunn also lets the art do the talking for her.
She has moody Aya down pat, but Yohji's randy "playboy" personality has
been traded for someone who really loves and cares about Aya. This Yohji
even uses big words like "tantamount." And he's so insightful. It may even
get me into YohjixAya fanfic!
The second story was Gundam Wing, which I admit is not one of my favorites.
It even has one of my least favorite pairings DuoxHeero. Yet I liked it.
It's a nice piece of fluff, where Duo wants to play and suddenly Heero
seizes Duo by the shirt collar and not only kisses him, it's implied that
he takes him: Duo says something about "that hurt, really, really good."
The end panel is a nice tease, with Heero saying that if Duo has played
enough, to get back to work.
The third story is the Dynasty of Ghosts seems more of a PWP than anything
Not that it's a bad thing. ^_~
The two men are in some type of ruins of a dead civilization. One makes a
comment about beauty, which leads to the other man calling that guy
beautiful and a tongue goes in an ear and take it from there.
I'm not usually a big fan of PWP but the art is wonderful, very erotic and
I don't mind watching two pretty men getting it on.
I thought that this doujinshi had something for everyone, and I'm glad that
Nunn included her own original work. Very delicious.
--reviewed by
What can I say? The art is as well detailed as I know P.L. Nunn's artwork
to be.
I've always loved her detail, the curves, the shadows and
highlights. I just love her art. This doujinshi is a doujinshi collection,
as the title indicates, of ongoing stories that Pam wrote and has been
putting in doujinshi format. The first story is based on Pam's Weiş Kreuz
fanfic, "Violation". In the previous doujinshi installment, Aya was held
captive and brutally tortured by Shuldich and Farfarello. This part, in
the Yaoi Doujinshi Collection, deals with the after affects of the trauma
Aya endured with regards to his relationship with Yohji. The second story
in this collection is a Gundam Wing featuring a day on the beach for the
boys...and centering about Hiro and Duo. The third one features Pam's
multi-chapter and ongoing fic called Dynasy of Ghosts. I read all of the
available chapters in three nights, stopping only to sleep and go to work
because I could not stop reading this story. It's about a prince and his
love interest, who is a "ranger" or soldier for the Prince's army. Pam's
saga follows the prince and his ranger through various trials and
tribulations, from enemy territory to back home, and around and about. It's
quite an interesting story with a lot of rich characters and plots. This
particular segment of Dyanasty of Ghosts takes place underneath the
castle, where the two end up in each other's arms. Following the stories
are two full page black and white portraits. This doujinshi collection is a
teaser for P.L. Nunn fans that will leave them wanting more and more.
--reviewed by