Dee: The art is easy to look at, the story is strong, but what I really think
is worth noticing in "Prophesy of Destiny" is the layout. From beginning
to end, "Prophesy of Destiny" was like watching a movie more than reading
a comic book, drawn so you can perfectly imagine scene changes or the
focus of the camera moving from one character to the next. Action flows
in this comic from panel to panel so the reader never questions what
happened from one books to the next.
[read the full review]
Tracy: The plot is involving and intriguing, with points of
occasional humor and romance - which I would love to
see expand and grow...hint hint. The drawings are
well-done and the artist seems unafraid of using
variations in perspectives and viewpoints. I think
"Prophesy of Destiny" is a very worthwhile read...
[read the full review]
Rae: The third issue of Prophesy of Destiny, a creation of Moonation, is a
combination of good storytelling and lovely art. Written by A.N.
and drawn by Gina Maglio, it's an interesting blend of destiny, danger
political intrigue. There is also some guest and fan art and some
interesting liner notes.
[read the full review]
Ashura: I first heard of Moonation comics from a friend who recommended the series.
Fast forward in time.. Shoujocon 2001. I approached the Moonation table,
filled with copies of "Prophesy of Destiny" comics, and just bought all four
issues in one quick swoop. *lol*
[read the full review]