[About this review board] Review by J.-- This is a sweet piece of YYH candy! A lively plot revolving around Hiei's Halloween costume possibilities is helped along by adorable renderings of everyone's cutest demon (Hiei-chan. Of course.). There's not a lot to the plot - just as intended - and in this case, that's a good thing. There's nothing to distract from the charm and humor that is reminiscent of the "Lively Little Hiei-chan" doujinshis. A very loose and un-enclosed panelling style is fun to read and suits the light nature of the story. And the artist super-deforms the YYH gang into various states while keeping them in character and visually recognizable. But the best thing about this dj is that it's genuinely funny. Laughter and chuckles all round! Review By Kimi-- I found Tammy Lee's doujinshi to be nicely drawn. She was able to convey the humor of the plot line in the five pages of her doujinshi. The release of this doujinshi near Halloween was also nicely-timed. It is a gift to all those Halloween-lovers out there. There were several parts of the doujinshi that I liked. The first one was Hiei engaged in a fashion show. Of them all, I found that I liked Hiei as Yusuke the best; mostly because until I saw that little jagged streak in our beloved fire-demon's hair, I did think it was Yusuke. The second part that I liked was a panel wherein they showed Yusuke and Kuwabara in their costumes. The way they were drawn was sufficient for the reader to be able to tell what both were supposed to be. Both looked so adorable because the artist depicted them as dressed-up gingerbread men. The last part I liked was the last page. I found the depiction of Hiei in his costume to be more than worth a few minutes look. Very toothsome, indeed. I found the use of the flowers in the background though, a bit overdone. Many of the shoujo mangas I've seen have a flower or the like in the background, making it almost a trademark. I'm not sure whether the use of the flowers was just for aesthetics or whether it meant more than that. Overall, the art was beautiful. I found the plot to be intriguing and the title appropriate for the story. It is one doujinshi that I think anybody in any mood can enjoy and appreciate. Review by Grey--Just Got to B Me: A Halloween dojinshi with the main crew of Yu Yu H. It is not my taste of dojinshi personally but very funny. The costumes they mange to get Hiei in even got me to giggle, and I never knew Hiei to get into the spirit of such a holiday. I just had a hard time believing someone with that much of a cocky attitude would take time to go trick or treating. A little OOC to me, but still a good story. Review by Saint Adel-- Nice-looking intro. The scans are not as bad as the author claims !! Just sometime some comments are not readable. Nice art, YYH style is not always easy to use ! This is a short FUN story, definitaly for Hiei's lovers. I just love (and agree with) Hiei's idea of "scary" !!!!!! And Kurama's dress (I've always gone mad for fangs ^o^)^‰ Well I can't say too much without betraying the story, so just enjoy it if you want to laugh a bit !! Review by Eriko-- This is a short, odd gag piece with a little sexy charge at the end. Once again, I'm not familiar with the work this story is based on, but I don't think canon is important, this time! The character designs and SDs are incredibly cute. Full-size panels of Yuusuke and Hiei show off their clothes and facial expressions, in Hiei's case to strange and humorous effect. Backgrounds are quite literally non-existent. The YYH gang floats in a world of white (or screen-toned) space. There is a major panel-flow problem on p. 3, which Tammy tries to correct with arrows. I had to read that page twice because of my eye's natural scanning of the page. I thought this dj was very cute and humorous. I'd like to see more of Tammy's work, especially since this short selection didn't give me a full idea of her talents.