American Comiket

Who's Who on American Comiket's 11.99 Review Board

J.--Jordan runs a small yaoi hentai fanart/original stuff site and is partialto Ai no Kusabi, Fushigi Yuugi, Fake and the early Ranma 1/2 among otherthings. He's just finished university and is working to support hisaddiction ...[homepage]

Eriko-- has been a comics reader since she learned how to read, andstill hasan abiding love and respect for the Archie comics of the '50s and the worksof Charles Schulz and Carl Barks. Her "Wonder Woman and Legion ofSuper-Heroes" phase went away rather late in life, but just in time for theanime and manga boom, and after nine years, her interest in "anythingJapanese" shows no sign of waning. Her favorite manga of all time isMaison Ikkoku, and other favorites are Tokyo Babylon, Clover, Mint naBokura, Wata no Kunihoshi, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou and (blush) Sailor Moon.

Kimi-- - a home(page)-less yaoi writer. She writes both GW fanficsandoriginal fiction. Currently, she is obsessed with yaoi manga andfavorites include: Love Mode, Whisper to me at Full Moon Night, andKizuna. She is in a constant juggling act regarding several half-finishedstories and a demanding college life.

SaintAdel--Anime and yaoi fan, amateur artist and even more amateur fic writer ^_~,self-proclaimed Middle-Earth yaoi mistress![homepage]

Grey-- loves anything well drawn with a twisted plot, and onlylikes beautiful people that are drawn well. Favorite animes/manga arePlastic Little, Sailormoon, Arislan, anything CLAMP, and Saber MarionetteJ. Animes I watch till the tapes die were Twilight of the Dark Master,Kimura, Kizuna, and Tokyo Babylon. The only yaoi Grey gets is fanfics,because G. is too cheap :P! The founder of SAQFC, Silvers Anime QueersFanClub. [SAQFC homepage]

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